Report: Analysis of cases and sentences on racism, xenophobia, lgtbiphobia and other forms of intolerance 2014-2017

Andrea Giménez-Salinas Framis, Mercedes Pérez Manzano, Manuel Cancio Meliá, Juan Alberto Díaz López, Carmen Jordá Sanz y Paloma Díaz Izquierdo
delitos de odio, Estudio empírico
This report responds to the research request generated by the working group for the analysis of sentences and statistics of the Monitoring Commission of the Institutional Cooperation Agreement in the fight against racism, xenophobia, LGBTIphobia, and other forms of intolerance and has been financed by the Secretary of State for Migration of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security. The purpose of the report is to analyze the sentences handed down by the courts on hate crimes, learn about the application of legal regulations on hate crimes and describe the hate cases prosecuted.