Report: Criminal policy against gender-based violence: its effectiveness, efficacy and efficiency

Ana Isabel Cerezo Domínguez, José Luis Díez Ripollés & Mª José Benítez Jiménez
criminal policy, evaluación, evaluation, gender violence, política criminal, Violencia de género, violencia sobre la mujer
This executive summary analyzes the Spanish criminal policy related to intimate partner violence against women. It has been more than a decade since the Spanish law 1/2004, providing extensive protection against gender violence, has been in effect. The aim of this report is to evaluate this law by measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal policies against women violence. The diverse method adopted attempts to describe a complex reality through a wide number of indicators. The evaluation consists of a meticulous empirical analysis based on all available data. This executive summary reveals relevant conclusions about which criminal policies are working and which are not in the fight against female intimate partner violence. It also includes a long list of recommendations to improve the criminal policy against women violence.